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Frequently Asked Questions


What happens if I miss a class meeting?

We’ll be recording the sessions for participants only.
If you miss a session, it will be up to you to reach out and ask for the missed session.
We’ll send you a link and you can catch up.

You can also check the Syllabus here to see what the assignment for the week is to make sure you’re ready for our next steps.

As long as you’re moving through the Comic Making Journal and the Syllabus with us, you should be just fine.


How many hours will this take?

Truthfully - I don’t know and it depends.
For myself to make this happen I’d need to spend a minimum of 2 hours a week (story drafts / edits) up to maybe 8 to 10 hours a week (pencils and inks).

Everything will depend on the level of detail and polish you have in mind, your schedule and - probably most importantly - your level of patience.

Comics take a lot of hours. Lots and lots. Be patient, and hunker down for the deep dive into comic making land.

When working on paper, I was taking 4-6 hours for a page to be penciled, inked and lettered. When I was working digitally it was less. Keep it all in mind when you’re drafting those stories! Fewer pages = less hours.


When will the book be ready?

Truthfully I say to you - I don’t know and it depends. (Two in a row!!)

The sooner I can collect the pages from all of the creators, the sooner I can get them scanned, cleaned and to the printer.

I expect to have the final books by the end of September, 2023.

Gio Benedetti